Thinking about classical education?

Brittany Yurkovitch 8/7/2018

Image result for classroom painting
Morgan Weistling – Country Schoolhouse

It’s August, which means it’s time to start getting ready for the upcoming school year. Have you considered making this year the year your child gets a classical education?

What is a classical education?

Classical education refers to the style of learning that dominated Western Civilization from the fall of the Roman Empire to the twentieth century. One of the main goals of classical education is to teach a student how to teach himself so that he can continue learning throughout his life while passing on the cultural heritage of Western civilization to the next generation.

To accomplish this goal, a student masters the basic learning skills, called the trivium. The trivium is composed of the three subjects: grammar, logic and rhetoric.  During the grammar stage, the building blocks are laid and the student focuses on the memorization of facts. During the logic stage, the student learns to reason through arguments and engages in abstract thinking. During the rhetoric stage, the student learns to express himself creatively and persuasively using the facts and reasoning skills he has acquired during the grammar and logic stages.

This learning process is similar to the way in which an investigative journalist sets out to write an exposé on campaign corruption. First, she gathers all the facts about the major players (names, dates, campaign donations) through interviews and research. Then, she begins to link the information together to make sense of all the data. Finally, she artfully composes an article explaining how the facts link together to demonstrate campaign malfeasance.

Why is the trivium of classical education a superior method of learning?

The trivium supports student learning as it aligns with natural patterns of child development.  During the early school years, students should memorize the grammar, or building blocks, of various subjects as children naturally love to repeat sounds and absorb facts. At this stage, students should commit to memory the multiplication tables, important historical figures, and definitions of vocabulary words.  Around age ten to twelve, the child is able to think more abstractly and enjoys questioning and arguing. At this stage, students are ready for logic and are introduced to algebra, reasoning, and learning the “why” of historical events. By the high school years, students are ready for the rhetoric stage and can express themselves in a meaningful way. At this stage, students can utilize their knowledge to communicate creatively and effectively.

A classical education helps students understand that knowledge is interconnected, rather than compartmentalized. For example, a student studying the “free silver” movement in America during the late 1800’s may also be reading Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as the book is an allegory depicting the economic populism of the late nineteenth century. The student might then watch the classic Wizard of Oz film and compare the differences between the movie and the novel while examining the history of filmmaking, like the breakthrough of Technicolor.

Sadly, in most public schools, subjects are fragmented; the bell rings and an English student immersed in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet packs up and reports to history class to examine the causes of World War II. From the perspective of many students, each subject area is distinct and interdisciplinary connections are difficult to form. Thus, students struggle to recognize the relevance of academic knowledge to their lives…

Can my child get a classical education at home?

Absolutely! You do not need to start from scratch as there are classical curriculums available for homeschoolers; Classical Conversations and Memoria Press are just a few of the many classical programs to choose from. Furthermore, we recommend parents do a bit of reading when considering the option of classically homeschooling their children. The Well Trained Mind is an excellent book for parents conducting research and looking for a solid plan. Classically educating your child should be a rewarding experience. If you feel you need to speak with someone to help point you in the right direction, please consider utilizing our consulting services. We would love to help you come up with a plan for your family.